Invitation: Lovinac Performance Nights


Culture and Education Association (CEA) opens a call for LPN – Lovinac Performance Nights.

The cultural and artistic manifestation is intended for artists who want to reflect the image of today through the form of performance and trough the perspective of rural, decentralized, natural, ecological. Performances are held during July and August 2022 in and around Lovinac in a natural environment and are reproduced through platforms for digital transmission of information.

The form of LPN is in the participatory design of performance themes, where a group of participants through discussion and joint reflections inform the artist ideas, impulses, worldviews and opportunities to ad-hoc present their own view of the discussed through the form of a performance. Informances, multimedia performances, collective performances, new media performances are welcome as long as their production is accessible by the modes of nature friendly applications.

Send you applications to udrugauke at gmail dot com stating:

Name, surname, idea for performance and preferred dates.

CEA will host you and accordingly arrange artist fee, accommodation and logistics.

Saša Živković in 2021. performance Etika!

LPN are implemented through the Platform for Transdisciplinary Practices ’22 program under Multimedia Camp 22 running since 2006. through assistance of Ministry of Culture Croatia and Foundation Kultura Nova.

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