EEII ’12
Experimental Electronics Interventions / Eksperimentalne elektronske intervencije
30.05.2012. srijeda / Wedensday – 03.06.2012. nedjelja / Sunday
Technology Innovation Centre Međimurje, Čakovec, Croatia.
Tehnološko inovacijski centar Međimurje, Čakovec, Hrvatska.
Autonomni centar, ACT i Urbana kultura i edukacija, UKE
u partnerstvu / in partnership with
KIBLA iz Maribora, ONEJ – društvo prekmurske pobude iz Murske Sobote i Udruga mladih V.U.K. iz Varaždina.
U svijetu disciplina i stručnjaka teško je surađivati i raditi zajedno, posebice stvarateljima, kreativcima i umjetnicima koji su otvoreni za zajednički rad. Svaka je disciplina strogo odijeljena, a svaki posao se usko fokusira na samo jedan element izvedbe. Ovakav način rada otežava kreativnost i inovaciju koja izlazi iz zajedničkog rješavanja problema kroz metode koje su popularizirane kroz današnje mrežne tehnologije.
Ruth Catlow i Marc Garrett, su-osniavači on-line zajednice za digitalne umjetnosti, osmislili su suradnički projekt pod nazivom DIWO (Do It With Others – uradi s drugima) reflektirajući na poznati DIY (Do IT Yourself – uradi sam) pokret. DIWO je tako e-mail art, koji reflektira na mail art formu 70-ih. Internet nam je dopustio da vidimo tehnologiju kao neprekinutu mogućnost sudjelovanja, protoka informacija i nadogradnje, a rad s drugima oplemenjuje naše ideje i daje im mogućnost realizacije bez uvjetovane potrebe za financijskom zaradom.
Kako kažu kreatori festivala Wikitopia – Hong Kong’s First Tinyfest on Collaborative Future: “DIWO je novi DIY! U medijskoj umjetnosti, također kao i u ostalim poljima suvremene umjetnosti u svijetu, umjetnici rade preko-disciplinarno sa ostalim individuama koristeći tehnologije više nego ikad prije. U tim se kreativnim projektima članovi ravnopravno povezuju i komuniciraju, kreirajući mjesto za polemiku i raspravu, strukture i kulture koristeći digitalne mreže kao i u zajeničkom fizičkom okružju. Suradnici DIJELE. Zach Lieberman, kreativni tehnolog čiji rad premošćuje stvarni svijet sa digitalnim svijetom kaže: ‘Suradnički projekti zahtijevaju podjednaki nivo poniznosti i razumijevanja krajnje misije. Samo tada oni imaju sposobnost biti istinski transformativni’.”
Festival EEII’12 slijedi pozitivnu praksu DIWO događanja stvarajući prostor za entuzijaste, DIY i DIWO majstore, kreativce i ljude koji vole razmišljati glavom i raditi rukama, reciklirati, pronaći inovativna rješenja, razmišljati kompleksno o jednostavnim stvarima i obrnuto. EEII’12 nudi i okvir za ovogodišnje događanje. Tema je Uradi sam/Uradi s drugima u sklopu Mobilnog Art Lab-a, koji će se sastojati samo od osnovne konstrukcije. Sve dodatke konstruirati ćemo zajedno. MAL – kontejner koji je zamišljen kao modularan, pokretan i samo-održiv prostor sa alatom i opremom, a služio bi za radionice na terenu, video projekcije, umjetničke boravke te kao laboratorij za suradnju umjetnika, tehnologa i znanstvenika u proizvodnim i istraživačkim projektima.
Ako se pronalazite u nekoj od tvrdnji:
Ili se smatrate:
željeli bismo s vama raditi i konstruktivno se družiti na EEII’12 festivalu u Čakovcu koji će se održati krajem svibnja 2012. Molimo vas pogledajte WIKI stranice MAL-a i zamislite jedno od mogućih aplikacija. MAL će biti sastavljen samo od osnovnog kostura – konstrukcije i gornje i donje stranice. Na zidove dolaze aplikacije vrata, prozora, nosača za ekrane, pomične stolove, projektore, zvučnike, WIFI aplikacije, ostale elektronske, električne, digitalne i mehaničke sklopove koje možete zamisliti.
World of disciplines and experts made it hard to work in collaborative environments. More so for creative and artistic people, inclined to DIY and DIWO practices. Disciplines are strictly separated, so every pursuit is tightly focused on only one element of realization. This labour mode makes it more difficult for creativity and innovation that springs up from group and collective problem-solving situations, using methods popularized trough today’s networked society.
Ruth Catlow i Marc Garrett, co-funders of on-line community for digital arts created a project under the slogan DIWO (Do It With Others) which was reflecting on DIY ethics. DIY is short for Do It Yourself – firstly a term used to describe aspirations of DIY builders. Latter DIY ethics became a cultural movement opposed to culture professionalize and commercialization. DIWO can be described as e-mail art – a form of collaborative artwork that reflects on mail-art from 70’s. Internet allowed us to see technology as a uninterrupted possibility for participation, information flow and upgrades, where working with others enriches our ideas and facilitates realization without stipulating commercial gain.
Creators of WIKITOPIA festival say: “DIWO is the new DIY! In the media art, and even the contemporary art world in broad, artists are working more cross-disciplinary with other individuals through technology than ever. In these collaborative projects, peers connect and communicate, creating controversies, structures and culture using both digital networks and shared physical environments. Collaborators SHARE. As said by Zach Lieberman, a creative technologist whose work bridges the real world with the digital: ‘Collaborative projects require a level of humility and understanding of the ultimate mission. Only then do they have the ability to be truly transformative’.”
EEII’12 festival follows the practice of DIWO events, creating space for enthusiasts, DIY and DIWO craftsman, creative people who love to think with their head and work with their hands, recycle, seek innovative solutions, sophistically think of simple things and vice versa. EEII’12 offers frame for this years event: Do it Yourself / Do it With Others in the context of Mobile Art Lab that will consist only of basic metal pole frame construction. Mobile Art Lab is conceived as multi purpose mobile unit, a tool, mobile lab, a container, that can host artist residencies, art labs and workshops, video projections and exhibitions, meetings between artists, scientists and technologists for research projects.
If you recognize yourself as:
DIY person:
person orientated to ‘sustainable’ and ‘coexistence of technology and nature’;
person that likes to research new organizational concepts (teem work, working environment, crowd-sourcing, …)
person that likes innovative solutions
skilful person
person that likes to work on something that will be useful for community, person that likes to share knowledge and skills.
Or you consider yourself:
as DIY craftsman;
than you are more than welcome to apply to EEII’12 festival where one can make friends with like-minded people. Please take a look at MAL WIKI where you can learn more on the idea of Mobile Art Lab and where your ideas can start developing. Apply at the bottom of the page with a link to your project and we can develop ideas further trough e-mail. For EEII’12 MAL will be just a basic constructions and our task is to apply many small constructions on it, for example: sliding doors and windows, movable tables, LCD screen holders, speaker holders, WIFI, electrical, solar energy power, sliding doors, modular cupboards, LED light, mechanical and digital assemblies and circuits…
EEII’12 ensures / EEII’12 osigurava
poticajnu radnu okolinu sa horizontalnim sustavom odlučivanja
mogućnost da svoju ideju/kreativnost/rješenje ugradite u MAL
učenje od drugih
rad na novim modelima energetski održivog, multifunkcionalnog radnog prostora
korištenje novih naučenih i stvorenih modela na svojim projektima (MAL je Open-source appropriate technology (OSAT) projekt)
smještaj i hranu za vrijeme boravka u Čakovcu
putne troškove
potrebni materijal
volontere za pomoć u radu
incentive working environment;
opportunity to embed your idea/creativity/solutions in Mobile Art Lab;
environment where one can learn from others;
space for new models of sustainable, multifunctional working environments;
that one will be using OSAT – Open source appropriate technology
accomodation and three meals during participants stay;
traveling cost,
needed materials;
volonteers to help your project;
lots of fun in small rural environment where good working people love to share ideas, warm eather and beautifull untouched nature on the banks of Drava river.